Saturday, June 11, 2011

BSNL Personal Accident Insurance Scheme


1.         BSNL, the largest integrated telecom service provider in the country, has offered Free Personal Accidental Insurance Coverage for its esteemed customers of WORKING Landline, WLL (wireless in local loop) , Landline PCO Operators and Post-paid Cellular connections for another one year i.e. from 14.01.2009 to 13.01.2010, in case of

1.1       Accidental Death &
1.2       Permanent Total Disability due to accident
1.2.1.   Permanent Total Disability means:
                I.            Loss of sight of both eyes or
             II.            Physical separation of or loss of ability to use both hands and both feet or
          III.            Physical separation of or loss of ability to use one hand and one foot or
          IV.            Loss of sight of one eye and physical separation of or loss or ability to use either one hand or one foot.
2.         This insurance scheme benefits to those customers, who happen to meet death or permanent disability due to accident. Through this unique scheme, BSNL is taking care of such customers by providing some financial relief to them/their family.

3.         Details of scheme are as under: -

 3.1.  The Insurance scheme comes into force from 14th January, 2009.

  3.2. This scheme is applicable to all individual subscribers of working landline/WLL/Postpaid     Mobile Services and landline PCO Operators with all bills paid on the date of occurrence.

3.3. Insured amount per connection is Rs.50,000. (For example, if a customer has four working connections i.e. one landline, one WLL, One PCO & one Postpaid mobile or vice versa, total insurance coverage of that customer would be Rs.2.00 lakhs.)

 3.4. This scheme is not applicable for subscribers, who have taken connection under the  category of Government, PSU, Corporate customers, NGOs, Companies etc.

4.         Claim Procedure:

4.1       All claims will be settled centrally directly by M/s Cholamandam MS General Insurance company Limited.

4.2       The customer/dependant of the customer may directly download the claim forms from the BSNL website @ and route the same through the nominated officer of the SSAs i.e.  District  level of each Telecom Circle along with the documents for settlement of claim by the Insurance Company.

4.3.    In case of any difficulty,  he/she/they  is/are required to contact the customer care centre of M/s Cholamandam MS General Insurance Company Limited  by dialling the toll free number 1800-200-5544 (from BSNL/MTNL lines)  for intimation of claim and any further guidance in this regard.

4.4.   Call Center executive will explain the claims procedure, documents and all queries of the customer of BSNL.

       I.            Intimate the list of pending documents (if any) to the claimant within 7 days of receipt of original claim documents.
    II.            The Insurance Co. will settle the claim within 14 working days from the date of receipt of the complete document relating to claim.
 III.            The payment shall be made directly to the customers/nominees/legal heirs under intimation to the concerned nominated officer of BSNL.
 IV.            The address of the Insurance Company where the claim are to be settled, is :

Sr. Manager (Claims),
M/s Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company Limited
Plot No-6, Near Metro Rail Piller No-81,
Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005.
Phone No. +91-11-39813100
Fax No. +91-11-39813110
Toll Free No. 1800-200-5544

5.  The time limit fixed for submission of claims by the BSNL customers shall be 60 days from the date of occurrence of accident.

6.     Documents required to be submitted by BSNL subscriber/dependent-Legal heir/Nominee:
6.1. -  For Accidental death claim :
                                  i)          Duly filled and signed claim form.
                                 ii)         FIR
                                iii)        Postmortem Report.
                                iv)        Death certificate.
                                 v)         Proof of legal heir of subscriber / succession certificate.
                                vi)        Latest paid BSNL bill of subscriber/copy of BSNL demand note duly paid for new subscriber. 
6.2. -   For Permanent total disablement due to accident claim :
                                  i)          Duly filled and signed claim form.
                                 ii)         FIR
                                iii)        Disablement certificate issued by Government Hospital.
                                iv)        Full photograph showing disability clearly, attested to Government Doctor mentioning the name of the patient / subscriber.
                                 v)         Latest paid BSNL bill of subscriber/ copy of BSNL demand note duly paid for new subscriber.



অনীক দাস অধিকারী said...

I cannot download the claim form. itshows error. so pl help me how to download the mail id and send if u have any mail id

অনীক দাস অধিকারী said...

I cannot download the claim form. itshows error. so pl help me how to download the mail id and send if u have any mail id